Lately there's been a lot of conversation on social media around the process of starting your own business.
Unfortunately many Tik Tok Influencers I've seen as I've scrolled will tell you to go out there and just wing it. Although they probably believe they're giving you inspiration, they're actually setting up a lot of small business owners to be broke and homeless.
Unless they have lots of time, supportive family/friends/spouses who got your back until you can get up on your feet, good credit to max out the credit cards, lol and a few loans to live off of until they figure out what they're doing then go for it but for the rest of us, you might want to screenshot this advice and work on these if you haven't done these yet.
Since I've been a Self -Employed Entrepreneur who's owned a Small Business for the past 30 years as a Hairstylist, Marketing Project Manager, Brand Ambassador, Content Creator, Author, Surf Instructor (cause People ask me to teach them all the time so a Sista got to get paid for my time and valuable insights ya know) I can tell you first hand from literally talking with over 10k People in my businesses that their are some common threads among successful Entrepreneurs:
- They have a Simple Business Plan and Plan for Business
Why are you going in to Business? More time, more freedom, more money, more impact? What would you like to achieve in the next 3 months, 6 months, 1 year? What weekly habits will you implement to get you to your goals? How many hours per day? What will be your weekly, monthly budget? how will you cage your progress? Do you have a Brand story? How will you communicate your value proposition? etc., etc., The more you can write down your plans for your business, the better it will be for you to create, clarify and calculate what you need.
2. Successful Entrepreneurs structure their business with guiding principles.
Identifying and developing clear, concise values, beliefs, priorities and direction that helps their business as well as your personal life pilot the seasons of change. These value statements are declarations about how your Brand/Organization will value customers, suppliers, your internal community and your standards. These values help you understand your demographic and give you focus into where you should be in the market place. Living by your guiding principles helps you to challenge every day what you do with your time and who you share it with.
3. Entrepreneurs who get to success faster all have a winning attitude...
People who fail at business usually have negative associations with the way they make the money and end up sabotaging themselves by the way they think... You can't attract or sustain success repeating mantras in music like more money more problems or thinking that having more money will make you work harder and you'll never have time to do the things you love. A winning attitude is to think success, see success in others and treat others in the way you would like to be treated if you were already highly successful. This is a core foundation of building relationship capital.
4. Mastering your emotions eliminates so many battles. Highly successful People use conflict, they approach problems systemically.
Evaluate, listen then talk to take on a more collaborative approach when possible. Be a confident problem solver not dictator or control freak means that you understand the different communication styles of the People you do business with and that you hire to grow your business. The old paradigm was survival of the fittest but in this era it's survival of the most competent. Keeping your ego in check is easy when you have a winning attitude and have established your core values along with your guiding principles. Overtime, they may need to be redefined as evaluate our failures and structure our business's to prepare for growth.
5. Successful People have a strategic methodology that helps them to stay clear about where they are headed.
Business strategies aren't about being tactical or transactional, it's about being imbedded in experience by articulating solutions, value based marketing and most importantly having a plan in place to manage risk.
These are just few of the topics and journal entries you'll be working with in the 90-Day Journal for Creatives & Lifestyle Entrepreneurs; strategies to plan, prep, problem - solve, protect your time & scale profits while living a purposeful life. Available on Amazon. Go Check it out.
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